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SITE content liability limits: photos, information and prices

The information and photos on this site are checked and updated periodically, however, we cannot guarantee, in any case, their total accuracy.  The information contained on this site is presented for informational purposes only and does not constitute a contract with Sardinia Point srl.

All information, including prices, can be modified, corrected or removed without prior notice.

The photos can be taken with wide-angle lenses that widen the field of view to allow a better representation of the environments, and can contain objects or embellishments for aesthetic purposes only (plants, centerpieces, etc.).



SITE limitations of responsibility: photos, information and prices

The information and photos through this site are checked and updated periodically, but we can not guarantee, in any case, the total accuracy of the same. The information contained on this site is presented for informational purposes only and does not constitute a contract with Sardinia Point srl.
All information, including prices, can be changed, corrected or removed without prior notice.
The photos can be taken with wide-angle lenses that widen the field of vision to allow a better representation of the environments, and can contain objects or embellishments for aesthetic purposes only (plants, centerpieces ect ect).

DIRECT BOOKING > phone +39 070684545 |+39 3271157602 - E-MAIL contact us for a personalized and convenient quote

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